How to Make Use of Free Furniture Collection in London

furniture removal

There are many reasons to get rid of some of the furniture at home. You’ve gone the feng shui way and want to declutter. You have clutter and want to reduce the number of things you can store in or on. You have new furniture coming in and want to make room for them ASAP. Or maybe you just plain tired of looking at all that old junk and want to get rid of it.

Either way there are several options:

  • you can call a rubbish removal service
  • you can have a garage or yard sale and make money but waste time and effort or
  • you can just call one of the old furniture collection services below and save yourself time and money.

If you choose the latter, here are some options to consider. It’s always good to donate as something reused is always better than something thrown to the landfill.

At the very least you’ll know the items you donate will go to good use instead of ending up in some warehouse to be overpriced and resold to unsuspecting buyers. Using the options below you’ll know what you’re donating your furniture for.

Princess Alice Hospice

This hospice cares for many people in need. It has private rooms with en-suite facilities and has support groups for many patients.

It has courses, carers, patients and even helps those in need at their homes. Donating here will mean furnishing the facilities with brand new furniture that will be used as the hospice grows and cares for more and more people.

Your help will be so valuable to the many people there, whether patients or carers. Any unwanted furniture from your home will mean wanted furniture for the hospice and the price will be zero.

Their website >

Sue Ryder 

This small company supports hospices and neurological care centres for many people. Every pound spent here will go towards those hospices and centres with trained nurses and carers and help them buy more equipment.

And you don’t even have to spend a penny. All you need to do is pick something you no longer want in your home and instead of throwing it away, call their free collection service and they will take care of it for you.

It’s a win-win situation for more people than you think. Tables, chairs, sofas, TVs, garden furniture, wardrobes and more will be appreciated by every member of staff and they will take them off your hands.

Their website 

British Heart Foundation

This little foundation takes a different approach. It still offers a free collection but instead of storing or using the items you send they auction them on online stores or charity shops to raise money for the care of many patients.

The foundation bets on the future of medicine and healthcare, it gathers funds for more research and development and more cutting edge technology that will one day make a big difference in healthcare.

Donating to their cause will mean donating to the future of patient care and medicine. It’s a long shot but if there’s a slim chance of making a difference then why not? Any second hand furniture pick up will add to their cause and you’ll be part of the future.

Their website 

Is it all worth it?

Every time the words ‘charity’ and ‘donations’ come up people suddenly get protective of their wallets. Being stingy isn’t a bad thing if you don’t want to part with possessions or money you actually need. This however is not the case.

What these foundations and companies are asking of you is the opposite – throw over to them things you will never need again. Where is the harm or what’s the downside of getting rid of something you’ll never use again? It’s literally the same as throwing something into the bin, the upside being someone will actually be able to use what you now consider rubbish.

Win – Win


Think of it like this, every piece of furniture you don’t need someone will use to make the world a better place. Whether you care about that or not is irrelevant, you’ll lose nothing in the process. There’s no downside to donating when you need used furniture disposal services.


One phone call to a free service may mean nothing to you but someone somewhere will benefit in a positive and healthy not wealthy kind of way. These companies don’t bet on your charitable nature, that’s a bonus – what they want is to make use of the free clearance they offer and save you the money and hassle. It’s a win-win isn’t it?


Charity is here to make people’s lives better. You can participate or ignore it, but at least do yourself one good and make use of the free collection these charities offer. There’s really no need to leave the house or do any work – their collectors will do all the work and the foundations will do all the afterword.

All you need to do is pick up the phone and make one phone call to either one of these companies. Help yourself to a free service and at the same time help someone out there have a better tomorrow. It’s your choice so be smart about it.


If none of your furniture items are good for donation or charity, book our old furniture collection London and we will take your items for a small fee.